브라질 갈린호스 인기 호텔,숙소 찾기 대표 이미지

브라질 갈린호스 인기 호텔,숙소 찾기

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Pousada Golfinho

Pousada Golfinho

1명 평가

“The room was OK, breakfest was below average. The neighbor across the street played bad music at full volume and distortion all day There was also a dog there, that kept us awake most of the 1 night. Saturday night was terrible with a rolling disko at full volume in the street. This will be my last trip to Galinhos. ”

135,957(세금 포함)

Pousada o Mineiro Central

Pousada o Mineiro Central

148,221(세금 포함)